Welcome to the Soviet Air Transport

Created: Pasi Toivonen, 2024

Welcome to the Soviet Air Transport. (What a terrible name.)

Source code

This is an improved version of Fukuoka Wings. My purpose is not to be political. The reason why I chose the old USSR is that there might be some absurd things and this is good way to explain them out. (Like in the movie 2012: It's Russian.)

The story goes like this: In 1958 the Soviet Leader decided to establish a partly foreign owned private airline in order to boost Russian economy. All planes are of Western origin, for some reason. (The reason is that almost every time the plane crashes sooner or later, and I dicided not to insult possible Russian players.)

There are 30 possible routes (17 routes at Fukuoka Wings). And life span is 140 years (from 1958 to 2098). And you can pick both route, and plane for that route (there is also a larger selection from which you can pick, for example DC-4 and B-787). You can also make a "Total Inspection", twice, which makes the plane little less vulnerable for accident, and you can replace any plane with an MD-11 or A-350-1000.)


Anyway, this game should be better than Fukuoka Wings, the code is a little more complex. When I was creating this game I found a couple hundred errors. I have played this game a lot but I am not absolutely sure that I have removed all the errors. But there is the code included...

Best way to play (if you are right-handed): Left hand finger at letter "D", right hand fingers at ENTER and RIGHT SHIFT.

Original "High Flyer" (Commodore 64), 1983 at YouTube.


I tried to capture the spirit of the original version. And also to add something new. I am not sure if the game was worth of it's original (expensive) price but in the year 1983 it had some fresh ideas. JetSet Willy was created in 1982 and it was technically better.


November, 2024

Pasi Toivonen

Pasi Toivonen

November 2024

