Welcome to the Towers of Hanoi.
In Finland this game is called "Hanoin Tornit" (Towers of Hanoi) for some reason. In the computer magazine there was a code for this game, Commodore 64, and it was terrible complex and long, and the game had only four or five blocks. A little later, the was a code for Spectravideo 318/328 of the same game, and the code was short. In the year 1993 or, 1994, I created my own version of this game with a total different method. And to my surprise, it was possible to create this game with QBasic using almost same code.INSTRUCTIONS:
From table "J" to table "L". At level one, you have 600 moves; at level two, you have 1,200 moves, and at level three, you have 2,400 moves. Wrong move will cost you ten moves.
The code is included, but I don't know how to make this game more interesting. I created this game during "Soviet Air Transport" because I thought that I might not be able to finish it.
November, 2024Pasi Toivonen
Pasi Toivonen
FINLANDNovember 2024